ソフトバンクモバイルが帯域制限を行う予定ということ(docomo・au・イーモバイルは既に導入済みだっけ?だよね?)ですが、ふと思い立ち、UKの主なキャリアの帯域制限を調べてみた。Pay As You Goつまりプリペイドの例ですが、Pay Monthlyも同様の制限はあると思いますがそこまでは調べてません。Orangeも自分の好みの都合で調べてません。いやキライとかでもないですけど。
● T-mobile UKのPay As You Go/Internet Booster: 2.5GBP/5days
This plan comes with a fair use policy of 40MB per day. We'll monitor how much you send and receive each calendar month so that we can protect our network for all our internet customers. If you use more than your fair use policy amount, we won't charge you any more, but we may restrict how you can use the internet, depending on how often you go over your amount and by how much.
● Vodafone UKのPay As You Go browse: 50p/day
Pay no more than 50p a day to access the internet on your phone, subject to a 25MB daily data limit. Try it now.
● O2 UKのPay & Go/Web Bolt Ons: 7.50GBP/month
The O2 Web Bolt On can only be used for web browsing on your phone and a fair use policy applies. But if your usage exceeds that of other users, which is normally expected to be below 200MB a month, you'll be charged standard rates for additional browsing. We'll send you a warning text message advising you to limit your usage before this happens, and a text message to let you know when you're being charged.
● Virgin Mobile UKのPay As You Go: 30p/day
Unlimited web access subject to a fair use policy of 25MB per day (for 30p) or 1GB per month (for £20 top up).
[追記] Any use above this limit will be charged at £2 per MB
課金単位が異なる場合もあり料金も微妙に差があるのですが、データ量的に一番緩いのはT-mobileみたいですね。一ヶ月の料金で考えるとO2のBolt Onsが一番安いのですが、制限の基準も一番キツイですね。[追記] また、Virgin Mobileは上限を超えた場合の料金の設定が明記されてます。妙な速度制限がかかるより割増料金を取る方が抑止力として効果がある気がしますね。金払っても使いたい場合だってあるだろうし。
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